佳世 Ver. 01-5.5

Name: 佳世 (Kayo)

Age: 17


! Please Read !

This has been majorly simplified, but if still don't understand then do not complain.

Age: Is how old the alter is to other alters.

Birthday: Have been mostly determined by the alters themselves.

Maturity: Is how mature an alter is regularly.

Partner: This has several meanings. Platonic (close friends) for the younger alters. Romantic (BF/GF) for the older alters.

! Please Read !

! Potential TW, be warned. (Severe stuff has been spoilered). !

Uchiyama 内山 Kaneko 金子 Hagiwara 萩原
Furuya 古⾕ Hikami 日神 Ogawa 小川 Yuhara 湯原
Usui ⾅井 Aoyama ⻘⼭ Natsuiro 夏⾊

If you have criticism that isn't actually helpful or you're stupid and can't understand the definitions at the top of the site, then don't say anything.


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